当前位置:笔下文学网>都市言情>Seeking高中篇>第三十章 军训(4)

第三十章 军训(4) (1 / 4)


“good,you are akg progressbut these are not enough,you still need to learn ore(很好,你的进步很大。但是这些还远远不够,你还需要学习更多。)”一个身材微胖,长相敦厚老实的男人说道。

“give send,i wanna have a short break(给我点时间,我想休息一下。)”说完,alia直接起身朝卫生间走去。


“how can i help you?(有什么能帮到你的吗?)”chloe像机器人般没有感情的声音响起。

“why a i learn local nguage for a whole day?i thought it suppose to have other trag for teachg skills(我为什么要花一整天来学本地语言?我以为应该还有其他关于教书技能的训练。)”alia不爽地说道。

“your special trag is all about learng nguage,you want to llect ration,you t understand their words(你的特训就是学语言,你想要收集情报,你必须明白他们说的话。)”chloe回道。

“i a not stupid,i know that all righty pot is why there is no trag for beg a teacher(我不蠢,我知道这点好吧。我话里的重点是为什么没有教师培训。)”alia翻了个白眼,没好气地说道。

“there is no need for that,you can be a foreign teacher here as long as you are fent english(没必要这么做,在这里只要英语流利就可以当外教了。)”chloe回道。

“if i jt need to learn nguage,why would i need three onths?i jt need o(如果我只要学语言的话,为什么我需要三个月?给我两个月就好了。)”alia自信满满地说道。

“no,i need to ake sure you learn all of itplease get back to study,you suppose to learn until p(不行,我要确保你全都学会。请回去学习,你应该学习到晚上七点的。)”chloe命令道。
